Jr. Miss Colorado-World Pageant for girls ages 9-12.

Will you be the next Jr. Miss Colorado-World?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Ribbon Cutting for the new YMCA

I'm so excited for this Saturday the 25th because I'm doing the ribbon cutting for the grand opening of the new YMCA!! I'm even more excited to see 2 of the most important people in my life! Heidi Hume Miss Teen Colorado-World 2010 and Samantha Miles Miss Colorado United States International 2010! Their the BEST sister queens in the world! In the mean time school is awesome and I love all of my teachers! Can't wait for this Saturday though, Oh and Dancing with the Stars premiers tonight!! Well that's all I have to say today I should have alot more to say pretty soon! Always make sure to check my blog and my "sisters" blogs too!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Just started school today! It was awesome I LOVED it! I'm on leadership council so I had to help all the 6th graders today. I officially start tomorrow and I'm excited, but I'm so tired from today. Wish me luck tomorrow!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Appearance on Saturday and starting school!

Align LeftI had an appearance on Saturday! It was alot of fun it was for the Dolls for Daughters Organization! I took some pictures! I start school on Thursday and I have my vocal music picnic tomorrow. I can't wait to see all of my friends and find out what my schedule is!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Gladys Magazine

I Just found out that I'm gonna be in Gladyss Magazine! Look for me in the holiday or Spring issue!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Rodeo Pictures

Posted some rodeo pics on my Facebook page! Still trying to figure out how to post them on here! I'll try to get them up here pretty soon. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Cook Off

Yesterday was so much fun! My Aunt Lisa and I had our annual cook off and we made a Sweet and Sour Spinach salad with Icebox rolls. Then we had a chicken with a peachy sauce. Last, but not least I made Strawberry Cupcakes and my Aunt Lisa made Bread Pudding. It was so good especially the icing on the Strawberry Cupcakes everybody LOVED it! So grateful to my Aunt Lisa I love you!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Tea Party and Appearance today!

Today was awesome!I had an amazing time and signed some autographs so happy that everything turned out alright! Heidi showed up and she was awesome, sooooo glad that my reign is with her! Anyway today was amazing and I will always remember this day forever! The food was incredible and I saw some family and some friends from school. All I can say is I will definitely be doing this again!